Looking at site usage statistics I can see a steady increase of the number of PHPixie users. Which is great news!
I’d really like to thank everyone who descided to give PHPixie a try. as a developer it means the whole world to me when someone is using my creation.
Larger community means faster development, early bug fixes and more people to help you with your questions. But to get more developers try out PHPixie we need to give it more exposure and make sure that the lurning curve is low.
So lets have a tutorial contest!
Yes, tutorials are the best way of spreading the word while also showing people how easy it is to get started with PHPixie. And of course the rewill be prizes: writers of the best two tutorials will receive a 50$ Amazon Gift Card ( I know it’s not that much, but it’s going to get you a few digital book downloads =3 ).
I’ll be anouncing winners on 16th August, if a lot peope will be interested in this I’ll also increase the amount of prizes.
I hope you guys will like this idea. Feel free to leave comments if you have any suggestions.